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Vertical Handrail Hitch
European vertical awning RAIL HITCH type with floor attachment that prevents movement due to the wind, ideal for terraces, restaurants and residential areas.
Vertical con cable
Ease of assembly, elegant finish and versatility of use, since it can be installed both outdoors and indoors, for Its main application is for windows and large glass surfaces. This vertical awning system allows a cable guidance system, the maximum dimensions are 5.00 line by 5.00 meters of output (vertical drop).
Additionally, a box can be installed on top for complete protection when the awning is retracted.
Vertical Windbreak
Complementary system for flat awnings as enclosure and all the utilities of a vertical awning.
It consists of a U-shaped guide profile and a load profile with a latch, the guide profile has a dust-proof tape to prevent friction between the two profiles.
You can also mount the intermediate profile that gives it rigidity. The maximum measurements of the product are 4.00 line by 3.00 meters of output.
Angled arm straight stitch
Sistema con aplicación en balcones, fachadas, ventanas, etc. con una salida máxima recomendada de1.60 metros. (Acodado), 1.40 metros. (Con Tensión) y 1.20 metros. (con Semitensión). Brazos con sistema de tensión incorporado mediante resortes, muelles, espiral de compresión rectificado y cadena de acero inoxidable.
Stor Arms
System with main application on balconies with a roof, with 50 cm arms. mounted on the loading tube and fixed on the balcony railing using a piece that allows two types of fastening:
a) Awning. (Inclination).
b) Curtain. (Vertical).
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